

Cheaters, Frauds and Survey Bots

Sadly, bad quality responses do enter our Surveys. Be it boredom, or loss of interest, or straight out “I’m only doing this to get a couple of bucks”, it does happen. On top of that, there are malicious automated bots which will randomly answer the questions, again, purely for a small financial gain. It is […]


What is an ‘Open Ended’ question?

An Open Ended question is when you are given space to write your own thoughts about something, or to further clarify one of your responses. These responses are often used to better understand trends or to zoom into particular problems. For example, a large proportion of the people praised or complained about the exact same


What happens to my survey responses?

The whole idea of this type of research is to produce enough responses so that the Client can analyse the data in a number of different ways. All responses are sorted into subgroups, for example by Gender, Age, Race, Education, Income and so forth. The aim here is to identify the most preferred subgroup –


Why did I get thrown out of the survey?

In the Industry, this is known as ‘terminated’ and it happens when based on your responses so far, the Client does not need you to complete the rest of the survey. This is due to one of two reasons, (a) you do not match their specific criteria or (b) they already have enough responses from

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